Nice to have Julie play her flute along with the Praise Time.
From Kid's Corner... Naaman changed from having spotted skin to smooth and clean skin.
The little paper slide up and down to make the change happen.
The story lady told us about changing, and that we sometimes grow or our hair is sometimes short or long or different things might change us but God, our Friend, never changes.
She brought each child their own chocolate pretzel box from the Philippines.
Julie played her flute while her mother, Bonnie, accompanied her on the piano. It really was a treat to hear!
We were happy to greet the Sabbath and enjoy one another's company at our little church on the hill by the pond.
After a nice Sabbath School by Sylvia with two Mission Spotlights to watch, which were very good, we had our ninth lesson in this quarter. The study this week was about Peter and the Gentiles.
Bob led us in the Praise Time, and Nancy and Vicki played the organ and piano.
Some very nice songs were chosen for us to sing.
Since Don could not find someone for the special music we watched this video of Brian Doerkson's "To The River" and sang with it.
Paul had the interesting children's story.
Telling the children's story about a swim in the Florida ocean.
Offering music we enjoyed.
Pastor Justis greets us as he used to be our pastor.
Explaining his powerpoint slide.
"Jesus Paid It All" was our fitting closing hymn.
The beautiful bouquet Loretta brought from her garden to make the church pretty.
Orchard City at study and in praise and at worship.
It was a very nice Sabbath at OCC. Some visitors and some back again after being away for a time.
Altogether, we enjoyed a Sabbath day learning together and praising God.
Cheerful facilitators for one day of the lesson.
The next facilitator for the next part of the lesson...
Joining in for the children's song
Children's story time. Don tells a story about a little boy being able to witness during a fire evacuation -
something we are quite familiar with now.
Brother and sister listening to the story.
Melissa sang so beautifully before the Pastor started to speak. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent, Melissa.
Pastor Bob talked to us about Gone Fishing.
Loretta shared some lovely dahlias from her garden.
Thinking of the flowers and giving them a drink.
Thanks so much for your part in the study time, Julie. You did really well.
Someone keeps on keeping this sign up to date. Sure do appreciate that!