Saturday, July 13, 2024


Excited people came to OCC this week.

VBS or Bible Day Camp started on Monday at 9 am.

Here are some photos to show you the learning  fun.

Sorry    I had a hard time doing g this on my phone this time. 

Hope I can fix it up once I am back home.

July Sabbath Already

 This Sabbath at OCC started with lesson study with a good discussion on the first lesson of the new series on the book of Mark. 

Mark had trouble with his first attempt at as a missionary but he grew and was encouraged by older ones and came back for another try and this time he did great with his cousin Barnabas. 

Always encourage someone who is having a difficult time.  

Then came Praise Time with Karen and Delicia. 

What nice hymns we got to sing this Sabbath.  Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart and This is My Father's World were some of them. 

Such a beautiful smile to see from the front of the church. 

Then to close the Praise Time was the children's song which was fresh and good to hear again... I am a Promise, I am a Possibility... We sang that when our young adults were little. 

Doug in this favourite shirt telling an interesting thought and experience of his with fireworks reminding him of how it might have been when God made our world with His voice. 

Great photos of your fireworks, Doug. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sabbath at OCC

 Lesson Study time was a good time with much discussion and learning. 

It was the 13th Sabbath and so the last of the series of studies on the Great Controversy. 

Now it is a new study on the book of Mark. 

Praise Time was sure nice and well done. 

We sang out of the red chorus books with Karen and Delicia leading and Bonnie playing the piano. 

Dave reading to us from the book he enjoys... Jesus Calling.   A very comforting and compelling reading. 

Jerrie Lou was a busy lady this Sabbath as she had the children's story and also the Scripture and prayer. 

Jerrie Lou shared about Jacob and Zach moving to Guyana when they were in the early grades of elementary school. 
She read Jake's story he wrote for a school project. 
It was a story full of word pictures about a certain flight his dad took him one to pick up a patient. 
Daddy and daughter collecting the offering. 

Jerrie Lou read the Scripture and then had Opening Prayer. 

The church service time was a good reflection of remembering a Father figure in our lives. Beverly had several people to share about their special person and how they were meaningful in their lives. 

She went first to share about her Daddy. 

She was the first child in her family and her dad was a Doctor.  The day before she was born he brought home this special little teddy bear for the new baby. 

Her dad was well known in this valley for his Dr visits to family homes if needed and for his Pathfinder leadership. 

A very special daddy for Beverly, Jason and Paul. 

LIttle Beverly with her Dad and brother. 

Doug was next to talk about his dad. 

His dad taught him positive traits like not to sweat the small stuff and not get upset about what you can not change. 

Doug and his father in the fishing boat. 

Jerrie Lou went next and told about her grandfather and the way he was thoughtful and looking out for the children. 

Then came a nice surprise of KayAnna sharing a card she wrote about her love for her Dad. 

She made her special card for her POP.   Pretty creative, I think. The words inside were very nice. 
It was very nice to have a child be brave enough to up front.  
Thank you, KayAnna. 

Glenda talked about her dad, Walter.  How much he enjoyed children and giving wrapped candy to them at chuch.
He loved this OCChurch very much and was a charter member.  He helped build the church and love each member and visitor to come inside. Walter especially enjoyed hugs his church friends gave him. 
He loved Jesus and had devotional time each day until his eyes did not let him read like he was used too. He was waiting for Jesus to come again. 
Now he is resting. 

As a treat for Father's Loretta and Jerrie Lou baked a few treats to share on the way out of church.

Kindly they said the women and children and others would all be able to have the treats and not just dads. 

Beverly brought her Jamaica bag to remember the time she lived there with her family.

Don't forget Bible Day Camp or VBS. 
Starts on Monday at 10 a.m.

OH and don't forget the Parking Lot fund raiser. 

$25 a square.  Colour it in as you can. 

Soon we will be able to start a new project.