Marshall Bain made the long trip over from Auburn Academy and was the personal driver for Mike Porter plus providing food and lodging. Rod Bartholomew, who has been a indispensable friend of aviation and all the flying Roberts, provided transportation to get Hartley and Ralph to the program and on standby for school transportation for the boys in Spokane. Fortunately this week as worked out for a ride to school and next week Craig Goodman from MAF will give provide them a ride. Craig worked here for several years in Papua and is a excellent turbine engine mechanic.
The boys, Hartley and Ralph arrived safely in Spokane after a grueling 3:45 for Hartley at Immigration. Just routine checks but they take their time. The were met at the airport in Spokane by Joe Swanson, who works at Moody Aviation and the boys are renting a room at his house. But the first night the rooms were occupied by his parents, so he graciously put the boys up in a hotel. They had been working on adoption and suddenly the day arrived with two girls. But they are in the house now and say they are receiving very royal treatment. Even the weather gave them a cool welcome with 1 degree C! School at Spokane Turbine is good and we pray they are learning much to help them back here.
But it takes a family to keep a missionary going....Tim Freeman met Dave Rask on Wednesday morning at the airport and drove him to Sandpoint to fly the Kodiak home. So Tim hung out with Dave and watch him head out for Nampa. Then Kevin Helbley will take the boys on Sabbath to church and I hope show them around a bit.
So the airplane is now at Nampa and the MAF team is working on some mods and will install the HF radio. Possibly the cargo pod install will happen May 23 back at Sandpoint.
I spent time communicating with Jakarta about my bad three phase motor. They will fix it if they have it but by the time I pay freight both ways and a fellow here in town that rewinds motors and have used his father for 18+ years so will just do it locally. His shop is a hole in the wall but he turns out work that does work.....
Working with the mission on some items and the school to finish a fence around the school. So plenty of little outside projects. They see aviation as the answer to all their money problems.... Balloy returned from Jakarta and I have the import permission from there and also the assigned registration for the plane which is good as I already had it painted on a week before it was assigned....Of course all his running costs me plenty so hope I can keep him home for awhile!
This next week of course is important as Stephanie will arrive home on Friday afternoon. So Jan is already preparing the fatted calf!
Have a safe week.
Love, Bob & Jan
Michael Porter from Quiet Hour had the dedication prayer for this new air craft.
Diane Bauer went to Sand Point, Idaho for this special occasion and then had her picture taken by her relative, Jon Dalrymple, in the cockpit of the new plane.