Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Video Wednesday: Be (My heart, My hands, My voice)

When I watched the music video for Selah's new song "Be" I was very inspired by the young woman who spoke at the start of the video about her conversion from the Muslim faith to Christianity. How amazing it is when people can notice a difference in a life that has been reformed and rejuvenated by Jesus Christ!

Here is what Selah singer, Todd Smith, wrote about their new song:
In case you have not heard, we wrote, recorded, and made a video last month called "Be." We shot it on location in Istanbul, Turkey. The song was inspired by Jesus words in Matt 16:24-25 (ESV): "Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.'" I’ve let my "American Dream Theology" define what I think God wants of me, and has called me to. It’s so far from the truth of His Word. Hopefully this message will remind us we are called to give everything. We are called to suffer, be persecuted even to the point of death if that’s what Jesus requires. The young women at the beginning of this video (below) is choosing to give everything. We hope her story encourages and challenges you as it has us. -Todd Smith
I love the words of this song. There is power in knowing that "the life you are called to will not be in vain, so don't be afraid." And I definitely want to my life to mirror these words in the chorus, "No matter the cost, be My heart, My hands, My voice."

Thanks you, Glenda Q., for sending in this video. If anyone else has a video they would like to see featured on our blog, please let me or my mum know.

1 comment:

  1. The message in the woman's words and the songs words along wtih the photos in the video really touch my heart.
