Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sabbath January 17th at Orchard City SDA Church

After a very nice start to our Sabbath School with Dawna L. leading out, Angela D. had the Sabbath School program.

It was her first time to be superintendent at OCC and we all enjoyed it very much.
She asked Brooklyn to have scripture and prayer and Brooklyn did that really nicely.
Then Alexander and Doyle had special music. Alexander played his trumpet and Doyle his trombone.
We sure were happy Angela asked them to play and hope they will play again soon.

So thankful for Angela's involvement at OCC
Catching fish - in Kid's Corner
Alexander really helps a lot - here he is getting the mikes
to the different ones who want to contribute to the Bible study
Brian W. is our conference youth leader. It is so great that he puts everything he has into his work.
His enthusiasm is really catching. Here we are singing the Children's Song - Peace Like a River!
Jerrie Lou shares a short story about a skunk and also one about a porcupine.
Her stories usually come from the time she spent up at Babine Lake, and almost always involve animals.
Collection time. Our visitors like to get involved in helping, too. We are glad they came to visit.
This young man played the guitar for his family to sing with. It was a treat to hear them again.
OCC surely does enjoy it when Pastor Brian is in Kelowna and preaching at our church.
Bibles in church
In the middle of the sermon we were introduced to a new hymn, or one we had not sung before.
Bonnie played it through and then we joined her. It was delightful to learn this.
I sure hope we sing it again. Bonnie does so well at sight-reading.
People do matter. That means you!!
At the seminar in the afternoon. Brian shares a lot of ideas and stories about friends or relatives
who have returned to church fellowship.
Part of the group in the afternoon.
Thank you for coming this weekend, Brian. Thank you for using our names and remembering each of us.
Thank you for the words you shared.

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