Saturday, December 19, 2015

Special Friday Evening Agape Feast

It was a very special time on Friday evening at 7 p.m. at Orchard City SDA Church.

Doug and Liza, with several helpers, arranged an Agape Feast to celebrate this time of year and the meaning of Jesus coming to earth to die for us, and also to celebrate His resurrection and return to Heaven.

The tables were set in the shape of a cross and were dotted with red poinsettia and candles, providing warm light.

Keith played the guitar and Bob and Heidi lead us in some favourite hymns.

After a time of sharing - something we liked about another person around the table - we went to the different rooms to have the foot washing remembrance.

Once back at the tables we had prayer and eating of the emblems which were made differently and in different quantities then usual. It was all very pretty to see and interesting to hear.

There was more sharing - and then a simple meal of dried fruit, fresh grapes and oranges, homemade breads, nuts, and more grape juice.

The warmth and caring flowed between each person there and the peace and calm in our little church was something we could carry home with us.

Goblets of grape juice
Pastor Bob shared this photo of his of us all gathered around the table.
In the candle light
"Take, eat, this is My body, broken for you."
Such cheery flowers to have along the center of the table.
Beauty in the candle light.
Praying for each other.


  1. It was a special and meaningful evening. Thank you to all!!!

  2. Hi Glenda. Nice write up and lovely pictures. Donnie

  3. What a wonderful idea! It looks like a special time was had by all who came!
