Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sabbath, January 9th, 2016 at OCC

You are most welcome to join us at Orchard City SDA church each Sabbath morning starting at 9:15 a.m. for our Praise Time before Sabbath School.

This week Lori had our Sabbath School for the adult group and brought us interesting ways to learn Bible verses.

One thing she suggested and showed us how it worked was the Bible game of saying a verse and having a friend find a certain word in it to link another Bible verse too and pass that verse back to the first person.  It keeps on going by finding one word in the first verse and then the second person finds a second Bible verse with that word in it, too.

We took a try at it and it was sure something to get us to open our Bibles and use our concordances and think. Thanks, Lori.
Please share your ideas on here if you know of some interesting ways to keep Bible verses in our minds.

Alex had the upstairs lesson while the group downstairs had Lori lead.

Alex uses the white board to help the visual people see the lesson.

I took a little walk out to the Children's Sabbath School room and on the way stopped at the Kid's Corner #2 Sabbath School for the older children.

Cherri had it all set up nicely with a big new black board she painted. It is all ready for children to enjoy the activities she has planned.

Thank you for what you plan and do for the older children, Cherri.

Just a little way away is the Kid's Corner #1 for the smaller ones. This Sabbath it was full of happy, singing children and smiling parents and grandparents.

The new theme ~ sign outdoors.
I was so happy to see the boat being used this time for a slide for the otters.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Handsome, dressed up little lad.
Lovely children enjoy Sabbath School.
There were 8 cousins together this week.  So glad they came to OCC.
Dropping in a 'bubble'.
Bible story time at the other end of the room.
Pretty jelly fish by the background Loretta painted.

Back inside the church it was time for Praise Time singing and the children's song. And then story time with Jolanta. She was so nice with the children and her story was about losing her car key and finding it again.

Don't forget to look at the bulletin board. This week there was a nice letter from Quinton and Marguarite Covey.
To go with the ocean theme ~ "Deep and Wide".
The key that was lost and found.

I must get better at the video taking but the words and music were beautiful for Heidi's special music song. Thank you so much for sharing!

Doug L. had the sermon ~ A Fresh Start.
The Bible text was Colossians 2:16. Don read it from the NKJV and Glenda read it from the International Children's Bible.

After the service was over we enjoyed a fellowship lunch together. The theme was Greek foods and there was plenty of it. It was a nice relaxed time together.

Tabouli salad
Vegan lasagna
Bowtie salad
Greek salad on a happy person's plate.
Spanakopita tastiness.
Going to enjoy her Greek meal.

Once Rich and Naomi finished up the dishes and Edith and Bonnie and others had cleaned up the tablecloths, recycling, and other things, it was time to leave our little church.

It was soon time for Sunshine Bands at Sutherland Hills. Beverly led out and we had a surprise piano player take part.

The song leader group.
Our helpful piano player.
Friend helping friend with the hymnal.
A quick consult.
Alex read a poem about the New Year.

Glenda also shared two stories about a girl from many years ago who was a Pathfinder in Kelowna. They were very interesting stories.

Have a lovely week and please remember to pray for one another as it seems many of us have desires to share with God.


  1. Looks like a great Sabbath!

  2. Wow how wonderful to see so many children.

    1. it really is very nice to have many children at OCC
      wish it was every week but happy for the times they are there.
