Friday, March 25, 2016

Fun for the Children

Jason D. arranged a little visit to Wigglesworth's place to see the little ponies and have the children who wanted to ride them have a turn.

The older Kid's Corner joined in with the Kid's Corner and they all enjoyed their field trip.
The adults who went along seemed to be smiling, too.

Once they all returned to their classroom building, their leaders had a Bible/nature scavenger hunt all ready for them to go on. They had two teams to hunt for the clues.

Seems like they enjoyed their Sabbath School time held in a different way.

Here are some photos that Shannon and Cherri snapped for us to see.
Thanks for sharing!


  1. What a wonderful idea! It looks like everyone had an great time!

  2. What a wonderful idea and very nice of the Wigglesworths!
    Jerrie Lou
