Monday, February 26, 2018

Breakfast at Church

To try something different we had Breakfast at Church.

Long ago Don said he would put on a breakfast before church and now was the time.

He called on great helpers and Dave E and Doug F came out early to help serve.

Some kind people helped with clean up and made this morning a very nice time.

We also welcomed Karenda to Kelowna and OCC.  So happy she is part of our family.

Sabbath School was led by Pastor Jim and he shared one of the videos in a new series he would like to show later this year.

The children's SS rooms were busy places and looked like lots of learning going.  Smiles were shared and now you can look at some of the photos so you can smile too.

Huge Oranges to Enjoy


Happy Boy 

She said " Can you take a picture of me?" 

So glad to see younger ones and older ones out for breakfast.  

Pastor Jim explaining the video for ss. 

Study time  led by Doug L 

Her happy smile helps us want to go out with her to share the Word. 

Pastor Jim led the Praise Time and everyone sure did sing out with enthusiasm even for the children's song - Jesus Loves Me. 
Happy Birthday to you!!!

Listening to the story Loretta shares. 

Thanks for telling us all that amazing story. 
These two shared special music this morning and we enjoyed hearing their sweet voices and piano playing too.  Thank you!!
How nice of her to thank us all for welcoming her. 

After singing she came back to her family and knelt for prayer. 
Mr Q sat so quietly during the service. 

Alex spends a lot of time on getting his talk ready and it was good to hear.  Thank you. 
Spring will arrive!!

1 comment:

  1. and thank you Glenda for so much of the great cooking!! Another wonderful Sabbath!!
