Wednesday, August 29, 2018

OCC Welcomes You

Spice - let us all be the spice we are meant to be. 

Some liked them and some did not... cumin cookies.  A real Indian recipe.  

She led the lesson this time and had a lot of participation. 
This young lady really helped out this week at both SS and for church special music when she was asked to replay her piece.  It was lovely to hear her play and so nice of her to be willing to help out in SS.  Thank you!!.

So lovely to have her in our church.  Happy Birthday and enjoy your new year. 

A story about a little fawn.  Thank you, Dave, for your interesting and varied stories you share. 

Thank you for helping with the offering.  Youth deacon in action. 

Matthew 13:24-26 was read by Paul, followed by prayer. 

Always nice when someone volunteers to read a text. 

Children collect the Children's Offering

Pastor J Molina sharing the sermon this morning  - "The Good Seed Part 2"
We are created to bring forth that life God has intended us to be.
Let's not compare ourselves to others but be what God has made us to be.  

He wants us to be good seed or good grapes. 
Thank you for the one(s) that bring flowers to our church and make it look cheerful. 

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