Monday, January 7, 2019

Beginning a New Year at OCC

What a lovely day to get together for worship at OCC.

Sabbath School started off with the Hymn - "It Took a Miracle" and that was followed by Roland having prayer and reading the scripture verses, John 4:13 and 14 about water which was the theme for this SS.

Water Bottles with Bible texts attached for reading aloud. 
Water is something we all need to survive.  If we look in the Bible we find so many verses about water.  There are so many stories that include water too.
Some that we looked at were: Jesus walking on the water, the axe head that floated and the bitter water that was turned sweet when a stick was thrown in.
Have fun looking up more verses and stories about water.
After the first part of SS Doug L and Lori S lead the discussions for the lesson upstairs and downstairs in the classes.

The Lesson Study time is the only time in church services in which we can participate and share what we have learned over the last week.  We would like to know if any one is interested in a third study class beginning soon. 

Upstairs lesson group

Downstairs study group

Kids Corner 2 lesson time

Kids Corner 1 craft this weekend.  
We are so thankful for the leaders that come each Sabbath to be at each group and share Jesus with all ages.

Our new Call to Worship song -

The trombone music adds to our worship experience. 

Story for the children told by Jason - an important part of our service. 
She played such a beautiful piece for special music.  Thank you so much. 
Brad J had an excellent sermon for us to hear.  He spoke about "Naaman, the Leper".  He shared that Leprosy is like sin in our lives. As the disease makes a person numb to pain so sin makes us numb to God's spirit.  Let us be like the servant girl and share the wonderful things our God can do and what He is like with others.  

It was good to hear Sharon's voice in this second special music.  Thank you.

Our elders in communication. 

Smiles and questions?

Flash Back to January 2018 at OCC
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1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful first Sabbath of the New Year. Fun to see your 'flash back' pictures!! It looks like Dr. Bob was "climbing Jacob's ladder".
