Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 2nd at OCC

They came all the way from Cherryville to be at OCC this morning.  
It was so lovely to have two young ladies come to bring us news about their latest mission trip for our Sabbath School talk.

Kiera and her sister Morgan, had just come back from Mexico and were happy to share about their painting and interesting little stories about the children they helped.

It was nice to have Kiera back at OCC as she was the Bible worker here last year.

Thank you so much for sharing the stories, Kiera. 

We appreciated your sharing too, Morgan. 
It sure is nice to walk in to OCC and have such a nice bulletin given to us.  Thank you everyone who works on doing the bulletins each week. 

Beverly took the leadership of the lesson upstairs this weekend and had a lively discussion going with lots of people taking part.  Thank you, Beverly. 

Praise Time leaders.  So nice to hear the singing during our service. 
Vicki shares with us her piano playing to help us praise God.  Thank you, Vicki. 

Elder of the month - Thank you, Dave for your contribution to our church service. 

Rachel accompanied Grace as she sang for a special number during the Praise Time. 

Almost a full church listening to Grace sing and Rachel play the piano.  Thank you for coming to OCC and singing, Grace. 

Roland reading the scripture text. 

Grace adding singing to our church service so beautifully.

What would we do without our faithful members who come to church and add their presence.  We sure do appreciate you.  
Thank you so much for coming to OCC and for all the things you do to make it a interesting and pleasant place to worship. 
It is great to have Pastor Bob back up sharing the sermon. 

Pastor Bob and Myrna are back home now after their time away this winter.  We are so glad to have them here at OCC.  Pastor Bob shared the sermon, "Does Jesus Care?"
Is He really interested in me?
1. God is Powerful
2. God is Personal
He made our world beautiful for us - He cares.
He gave us the Bible - He cares.
John 3:16 tells us that He loved the world He created.
This personal God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Then Pastor Bob sang the Johnnie Appleseed song.
Thank you for your encouraging message for us, Pastor. 

Bluebirds will be back soon, but not quite yet. 

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