Saturday, November 23, 2019

Time to Meet at OCC

We enjoyed a very nice Spotlight on Missions for this quarter for the beginning of Sabbath School this past week.

If you want to watch the one we watched this Sabbath, go to the November one. 

Lesson groups to study Ezra and Nehemiah were both up in the sanctuary and downstairs in one classroom.
Thanks to the people who are willing to lead the lesson discussions each week.

Thank you, Doug.  Your illustrations are good for us to remember.  

Thank you, Roland for being willing to lead this class study so many times.  It is good to have time for everyone to share what they studied during the past week.

The children are enjoying a Christmas story theme this month.  Loretta always has interesting stories and songs and crafts for the young ones. 

Kid's Corner 

Adults do the actions too for the Children's Song during Praise Time

Ken helps his wife with the Children's Story
It is always so wonderful to have children at OCC.  Story time here. 

Ruthie shares a story about a little boy making pancakes for Daddy for breakfast... 

Scripture Reading 

Richard played for SS and then again for church special music.  Just about made Rich J shake for a minute when it was said he was having the special music... just a mix of last names... :)

Randy L brought us the sermon thoughts and they were very good for us to hear.  

Sharing from his heart. 

Thank you, Randy for sharing God's word. 

Olga drops money in the baskets at Children's offering time. 

Clean tablecloths... who does the laundry after each fellowship meal, ordinances,  special event?  There are many things in our church that are looked after with out us really noticing maybe. Stop and think and thank someone for what they do.
Jerrie Lou, Edith, Ruby, Olga, Bonnie, Myrna?

Who plans the meals, who cleans up, who takes out the garbage and recycling, who does the dishes?
Rich, Arnie, Tom, Doug, Doyle, Pastor Josue?
Thanks someone for something they do to make things work well and we enjoy.

Thank you, Joel, for coming out every other Friday evening.  Your joy of music is catching.

Thank someone.  

1 comment:

  1. And thank you Glenda for these lovely reminders of all we have for Thanksgiving!
    Jerrie Lou
