Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 1st at OCC

A little gift bag for the visitors. 
Welcome to OCC

It was really raining before Sabbath School started so it was good that Doug, as a greeter, met people in the parking lot with a nice big umbrella.  

Those umbrellas worked well in all the rain this morning. 

I think that umbrella helped Beverly as she came into OCC.

Lori shared about Jesus the Lamb of God and how He carries us like sheep when we need Him.  
Lori gave out these little cards for the ones who gave a Bible verse about sheep.

Dave led the lesson class.

Loretta and her classmate looked out the door for winter birds- I think.

The rain slowed and then stopped as Praise Time came.

I think the adults enjoy Deep and Wide more then the children do. 
Although Roland was hoping his little great grandson would be there for the children's story we all enjoyed it so much. It was about his dog helping people find their way off the mountain after a hike.

Salena and Cherlee were joined by their father, Dave and friend, Bryn for this lovely special music. 

It was Pastor Bob to the rescue for the sermon this Sabbath as the guest speaker got sick the night before.  We always enjoy Pastor Bob's messages of love and hope. 

Greeter Bonnie visiting with Cherry at the end of the service.

On Sunday at Rutland church, Bonnie demonstrating  how to make a vegan "cheese".  There were a lot of people out for the Veganuary afternoon. 


  1. It definitely was a rainy morning and the umbrellas very much appreciated. Great picture of Pastor Bob, and good capture of the full program. Thanks Glenda.

  2. What a reaĺly great idea to have an umbrella man. That's right up there with those fancy hotels. Even better as it was a genuine friendly, Christian gentleman. First class.
