Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 2021 at OCC

Good Morning!!

This box of butternut squash greeted people as they came into church.

 Lesson Study with Lori was lively and interesting. 

Our lovely hostess/greeter wore her red poppy in remembrance of the Veterans and the upcoming Remembrance Day on November 11th. 

This blue  guitar made us anticipate  special music.

Todd did not disappoint as he played Be Thou Our Vision and also used a new pedal system. 

It was very nice to hear. 


Worship in Giving is an important part of the morning service too.

The children enjoyed the story Kandus told about obeying the first time the little boy's  mum told him.

Would you want to wait in your bedroom with a black mamba, while your mumma went to find help? 

The little boy prayed and the gardener came and helped get the snake out of the house. 

Sorry the special music came after the story... 

Roland had the Bible reading before the sermon began. 

Karen and Damianna led us in an Opening Hymn to begin the sermon time. 

So it was Brad and Kandus who brought the squash to share with everyone on the way out of church. 

So nice to have them both at OCC this morning and for Brad to share the sermon. 

We had to be alert to keep up with Brad's words as he spoke with energy and enthusiasm but he had many photos to keep us able to watch as he talked. 

He spoke of evidence that what the Bible has to say is true and real.  

Blind faith is perhaps climbing up the bluff in the South Okanagan and stepping off the edge thinking all will be well at the end. 
The Biblical definition faith is based on evidence. 

We can  see the evidence of the wind but not the actual wind itself. 

Miracles are evidence.

Brad took us through the steps and on to Christ's death and resurrection and told us he prefers to be a Christ Follower.

It is all in vain if we do not have faith in the resurrection as it is the key difference to other Abrahamic religions. 

What are our priorities?
It should be to share the Good News.  Christ has Risen!!
Isaiah 53 
There is strong faith.  
Be bold for Jesus. 

Yes!!! He does have a smile on today!! 

Thank you for the butternut squash.  They were all taken away and I am sure made into pie or soup or other wonderful things. 

At the Rutland Cenotaph on Thursday, November 11th.  The wooden marker were made by two little boys 5 and 2 years old. 

We will remember. 


1 comment:

  1. Excellent capture and presentation Glenda, thank you!!! It was another very special Sabbath Day.
