Saturday, January 8, 2022

Happy New Year 2022

 How nice to be at church on the first day of a brand new year!!!

Music is always part of the service and it was so nice to see a little one sitting on the bench beside Gramma. 

Music is a wonderful way to worship.  Thankful for the pianist and organist and little helper here this week.

Deep and Wide  was the children's song this Sabbath. 

Jerrie Lou told the story to the interested listeners, young and older. 

Prayer is a special time during the service. 
Kneeling is a beautiful way to show respect for our Father. 

Doug introduced Andrew B. before he spoke and I learned that Andrew now has the position in the valley that Keira used to have as Bible Worker for this area. 

Sharing the verses for a really great Bible study.

He also used Psalm 119 verses 2, 14, 24, 46, 79, 111, 119, 129, 138, 144, 152, 157, 168 in this study. 
The Bible testifies to hearing the Master's voice and following it. 
Do you want to hear His voice and recognize it?

Andrew told a short story of a field where sheep were in.  Tourists were wanting to arouse the sheep and get good photos of them, etc.  They tried many ways to get them to move, calling out, rattling bags of food, etc.  Nothing made them move until they heard the shepherds voice calling to them.  Then they raised their heads, got up and came to the voice. 

When I left OCC on  January 1st I got to the corner of Lewis and Belgo and stopped to take a photo of the beautiful red/orange berries.  I was treated to a story playing out also.  The quails must have been hungry and several were in the tree, I thought, eating, but watching further I noticed that they were picking berries and flicking them to the ground.  On the ground were many birds picking up the berries and enjoying them.  The birds in the tree would pick for awhile and then flutter to the ground and another bird would fly up into the tree and start picking.  I enjoyed it so much I thought I would get a different lens and come back but on my return there was not a quail in sight.  So so thankful I was able to observe this little lesson in care for others from the birds. 

Later driving to my favourite road to watch for wildlife, I saw this coyote sitting on the snow on Duck Lake.  He was not really too worried about me until I called to him and he turned this head slowly to check out that sound.

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