Saturday, June 25, 2022

 Lesson 9

Do you remember this lesson?

Orchard City SS is a good place to discuss the lesson of the week.

After the SS lesson comes Praise Time, Announcements and Children's song and story... 

Dave is the platform person of the day and leads the way to the next part of the service...

Praise Time leaders for this day...

Doug shares with the children and older ones too about Liza and his vacation in the east of Canada when they watched foxes play and found a boat named Tammy. 
They saw snow geese and watched the fly.  

Special music this Sabbath... Thank you Beverly for sharing the photo. 

Pastor shared the sermon but I  was out with the Children's Church so hope you can let me know what he spoke about... 

The experiment of the day in Children's Church... 

A little walk by our pond... can you see the turtles?

Thank you Duane, for clearing the park area... so nice to be able to use it again. 

Doug leads the children after church on an egg watch walk... 
Little kitty comes to OCC and makes lots of smiles come out... 

Thank you for sharing your little kitty, Lanette... 

Another Sabbath morning meeting with friends and family and sharing the tears of those missing their husband, dad, grandpa, great grandpa, cousin, brother, and friend... Joe.   We care about your deep sadness. So glad we will meet in the morning... when Jesus returns. 


  1. Great capture Glenda - so good to see what is happening in children's church! I believe that is the Sabbath that Pastor's sermon was "A glimpse of worship". Thank you! B

    1. Thank you for sharing the sermon name with us. Children's church is an interesting place.
