Monday, February 13, 2023

Another Sabbath Feb 11th 2023 At OCC

 After Alex lead out in the Sabbath School discussion, Praise Service started with a team of singers and musicians.

Tammy, Heidi and Denise had very nice songs for everyone to sing. 
Pastor Josue will have good memories recorded. 

Joel played along with Vicki for the offetory.  

Vicki played the piano for the group while Joel and Todd played percussion and guitar. 

Tammy mentioned the book many in the congregation had read last year.  

Children's Song

Then Shannon read a book about an umbrella and did a demonstration for everyone to help understand. 
She used a parachute with elastics on in different places and only took them off one at a time to see who could all fit under the umbrella. 

The children had so much fun and understanding as the umbrella/parachute opened wider to fit more people under it. 

It was so nice to see all the smiles on everyone's faces.  Including others makes everyone happy and feel like they have a place. 

Thank you for the excellent story, Shannon. 

Glad for the deacons serving in our church. 

Kay Anna had the scripture verses to read for us to hear. She did that very nicely. 

Then her dad, Kevin, had the opening prayer. 

So glad this family is part of our church family. 

Heidi and Keith sang " Be Thou My Vision" for special music and it was beautiful. 

During our church service time the children were in the portable with Cherri and Shannon.  They came outside for a time to do an interesting experiment and were all thoroughly engaged in. 

The Pastor had the service this Sabbath and used this nice tall Bible to read verses from. 

These three were being watchful over the meal downstairs and also shaing with each other.

Something good was warming and the tables were set so prettily with hearts for the Valentine Day in this month. 

Such delicate flowers to greet people as they came for lunch. 

Tiny little cinnamon buns for the ending of the meal. 

Glad so many were at OCC this day.  Come again next week. 
Each week is so different and it is so nice to support each other .

Enjoy a good week. 

1 comment:

  1. Was a beautiful Sabbath. So warm and friendly. Great pictures Glenda.
