Monday, March 6, 2023

Cold Outside but Warm Inside - March 4th 2023

 It was a very nice Sabbath at OCC.

All who came for the lesson discussion part of SS mostly all contributed ideas and thoughts or read Bible texts on the subject of Covetousness.  It is a bigger problem then it first looks like.  We can be assured though that with our minds on Jesus we can having the blessing of keeping this too as  with all the other commandments. 

So thankful for all who come out and join in at 9:50 to 10:40 a.m.. 

Then we watched a very nice music video for Mission Spotlight that showed people from many areas of the world and our church family abroad.  

It gets us inspired to give to Sabbath School Missions for the regular offering as well and the special 13th Sabbath offering at the end of the quarter which is at the end of March. 

Beverly shared about the up coming meetings by Brad Thorp.  Nice to see a big banner up at the church fence too. 

Thanks Heidi, Warren and Shirley for the springy flowers and banners in the church now. 

Karen explained about the upcoming fellowship meal next month, after which we will plan for our Family Day outreach in fall. 

Bonnie played the piano so nicely and it is great we have people able and willing to share their talents in Praise Time. 

Karen lead the singing in Praise Time and it is nice to sing so many different varieties of hymns, choruses and then a song for the children which we all enjoy. 

It is so great to have children at OCC... lets make sure to welcome them warmly and let them know how important they are to our service. 

In thought before he speaks. 

Ruby had the scripture reading just before he spoke.

Don M spoke this Sabbath and his message was compelling. ( these thoughts are bits and pieces of the talk he gave not direct quotes, just notes.) 

In Luke 7 Peter argued with the Master why are we fishing now? 

But because You have said, we will do it. 

Simon then said depart from me for I am a sinful man. 

Jesus said from now on you will catch men. 

For 3 years Peter followed Jesus... he saw Jesus heal the demoniac and the storm be stilled at Jesus's words.  He was there for the feeding of the 4000 and 5000. 

Peter was convinced Jesus was the Son of Man. 

'All of you will be offended because of me tonight,' said Jesus, but Peter said, "Not me."

Even if all the others failed Him he would not!!!

How often we make rash statements.  We sing I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go Dear Lord. 

Is it true?

Matthew 32:31 and onward ... "one of you will betray me tonight."

Then the Lord said, "Simon, Simon."

Verse 33 I am ready to go with you to prison and to death. 

The rooster will not crow twice before you will deny me 3 times. 

We are converted and we feel so strong.  We soar higher then before after we have been forgiven. 

I can do all things through Christ.

Some times it is hardest to forgive ourselves.  

We say.. if only. 

Why did I do that??

Whey did I say that??

We feel so guilty. 

After the rooster crowed Jesus looked over at Peter and Peter looked at Jesus and for that moment their eyes met and that look changed Peter!! That look lingered for the rest of Peter's life. 

That look touches you right down deep in your heart. 

Peter was broken.

Jesus answers with LOVE.  He answers with grace. 

We stand in the presence of God and wait.  Too repentant to leave and silently wait. Jesus says, "Go now and sin no more."

He really had it heartfelt and at the end he read a poem and then sang ( with the congregation ) Precious Lord Take My Hand, after telling the very sad story about Thomas Dorsey and what led him to write the song.

Tommy Dorsey was a popular jazz musician,  playing trombone, coronet and trumpet as well as being a bandleader and composer and conductor. He was being asked to come to a city to perform but his wife was 9 months pregnant and didn't want him to leave her.  He agonized and in the end decided he must go so he left and during a program he was called to leave and go home.  When he arrived he found his wife had died in childbirth and his new baby boy was still alive.  He held that small baby and cried out to God.  In his suffering he found himself at the piano and his fingers worked out this song, Precious Lord, Take My Hand. 

He will take your hand too when life sends hard times your way... He loves all the time. 

He will guide. 

Marilyn plays so beautiful and knows just when to begin and how to play for the talking and then the singing. 
Very nice team. 

It is nice to have a little after service visiting time. 

On the fence advertising at OCC... March 10th to 18th.  


Even if you have your eyes covered use your beak to sing!!!!

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