Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring Time at OCC??? It is March 1st, 2014

Well, the truth is that it was snowing lightly all through church time.

Guess the tulips are trying to make us believe spring will be here soon. We must need the moisture for summer time.

Sylvia B. had the Sabbath School this weekend and her theme was being a friend and being friendly. The last story she shared was one about a little mouse who warned all his farmyard friends about the new trap being set up but none of them cared as they knew it was to catch the mouse. It had an interesting way of turning out so most everyone was involved in it except the mouse.

We need to look out for each other and show care to each other. Being a friend makes us happier and is good for our health.

Lesson Study in four classes and the Kid's Corner out in their building kept us talking and sharing for the next 50 minutes.

Then everyone gathers together for the church service with Praise Time and Children's story and Children's offering.

Ladies all enjoy seeing a baby.
Tom collecting the offering.
Shannon Gerber ~ Power Point Co-ordinator for this month.
Doug tells the children about his meeting with a couple of bears when he was fishing. His photos are really great to see.
Keith really has a lovely clear voice. He sang "People Need the Lord" and it is true, we do.
Olga reads the scripture text.
Some of the Bible texts that were used were: Philippians 4:4-9, Proverbs 15, 13 and 15.
A picture taken from a video clip we saw about this lady and her waving to school children... three times each day.
84-year-old Tinney waving and smiling each and every day.
Cherri showed a video of an elderly woman who waves at students every day as they go to school. Watch it below.
Levi singing "It's a Happy Day" for us via video. Thank you, Levi!
Cherri sharing her smile.
Cherri G. has the sermon for today. It was short and concise and full of good things to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Cherrie! I liked that the "theme" went throughout the day even though not planned. There was a good reason the Lord took us that way!
    Jerrie Lou
