Saturday, January 24, 2015

Church member quiz

Here is a fun little puzzle or quiz for everyone to try.
I sent out 10 questions and several people have answered.
Now it is up to you to decide who answered them which way.

If you need the names at the bottom to guess by, I will do that in a few days if you have not been able to decide without the name choices.


  1. My favourite colour is ……………… .
  2. I enjoy reading or saying this Bible verse ……………… .
  3. If I could visit anywhere in the world it would be ……………… .
  4. I have been a church member at OCC for ……………… years.
  5. Singing this song ……………… with my church family brings me joy.
  6. ……………… is what I would bring to potluck each month if I could.
  7. On a sunny summer day the most fun I could have would be ……………… .
  8. I love Jesus because ……………… .
  9. Before I fall asleep each night I ……………… .
  10. I am a collector of ……………… .


Here are the first group of answers I received back:

A. ____________________________
  1. Red
  2. Joshua 1 verse 9 has always been very encouraging to me!
  3. I always wanted to visit Europe! Especially France, Scotland and Sweden!
  4. Well, I think at least 20 years!
  5. "I Want to Go to Heaven" is one of my favorite songs!
  6. Homemade scallop potatoes and cinnamon buns.
  7. Playing in the water with my family and friend! Swimming, canoeing etc...
  8. He's my wonderful Friend and I can ALWAYS call on Him for anything and everything!
  9. Pray! Everything that is on my heart I give to God.
  10. Tea pots!

B. ____________________________
  1. Green ~ I think.
  2. Philippians 4:13
  3. ???? Maybe N. British Isle
  4. 17 years
  5. "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go"
  6. Something really good!
  7. A cool hike
  8. He came and died for me.
  9. Pray for loved ones, family and friends.
  10. Sewing machines and angels.

C. ____________________________
  1. Purple
  2. Phil. 4: 6,7: "Be anxious for nothing, but in all things through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And our God, whose Grace exceeds all human understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ." Also Proverbs 3: 5,6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
  3. Africa – and go on a Safari ………
  4. About 9 years.
  5. "How Great Thou Art"
  6. 'Food' – usually a salad…
  7. Sailing ………
  8. Of reasons too numerous to list. He is truly my BEST Friend ………
  9. Thank God for His care through the day and for giving me a comfortable bed to sleep in! (I've slept on bamboo floors in the Philippines and am truly thankful for my bed)………
  10. Old rejected and deserted dogs who need love!!

D. ____________________________
  1. Orange (but green is only slightly behind)
  2. Romans 8:28. Pastor Boyd made sure that verse was heavily featured in our wedding! :)
  3. Everywhere! If I have to choose: For visiting reasons, Tanzania, obviously, to visit my kids there and to see more of that beautiful country. For travel simply to see a new place, Croatia or anywhere in Scandinavia.
  4. 30 years (or will be 30 in a few days)
  5. "What Heavenly Music." I just love the tune, harmonies, and words of that hymn.
  6. Perogies. Haystack potlucks are great, too!
  7. Boating with family and friends.
  8. He has done so much for me.
  9. Think & "write" (By "write" I mean compose blog posts in my head before falling asleep, but forget them by the time I wake up in the morning.)
  10. Coins & sea glass (Also, soon to be a collector of baby items, but hoping to keep that collection to a minimum... :) )

  1. Pinks
  2. Romans and James
  3. Europe- France
  4. 14 years
  5. "This is My Father's World"
  6. Lots of food.
  7. Lay on the patio reading or visiting with friends.
  8. He just knows what we need, because of Calvary, answered prayers.
  9. Read and say thank you for the day.
  10. Way too much!

F. ____________________________
  1. Green (since I was 8, I remember the moment I decided)
  2. New Living Translation, Joel 2:21: "Don't be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things."
  3. Iceland - with my son
  4. 41 years
  5. "I Come to the Garden Alone"
  6. Frozen fruit salad, vegetarian casserole or roasted vegetables or all three.
  7. Travel somewhere I have not been yet.
  8. Because He loves me so much.
  9. I pray about what is on my heart.
  10. Bells and baby/children's clothes I find on sale at nice stores (and more)…

G. ____________________________
  1. PINK
  2. Psalm 73:25-26
  3. INDIA
  4. 31 years
  5. "Therefore the Redeemed"
  6. Blueberry Cobbler
  7. To have a picnic and relax at the lake at Kaloya Park.
  8. I love Jesus because no matter how many times I make mistakes, or deviate from a spiritual path, He is always there with open arms to welcome me back.
  9. I kiss my boys goodnight, and thank the Lord for an amazing family.
  10. I am a collector of fun fridge magnets from various places we have visited on vacation.


  1. c is Beverly D Glenda

    Jerrie Lou

    1. good guesses.
      the answers will be giving shortly.
      thanks for giving it a try.

  2. Now what on earth would make you think that is me Jerrie Lou.... was the answer to #10 the give away?? :)

    1. She might have gotten you but she did not get me right.
      Thanks for playing the game.
