Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sabbath at OCC June 27th, 2015

Each Sabbath at OCC is different and special.

This Sabbath was communion for the second quarter.

Glenda Q. had the Sabbath Sscool time and she shared a few stories about teachers and how much they touch our lives.
There was a short video of a really caring coach/teacher who encouraged a young boy who has cerebral palsy to finish the race he wanted to run at this school.

Let's remember the teachers in our lives who have encouraged and cared about us.

After Don opened the Sabbath School study with prayer requests and prayer, several people took one or two minutes to read a question from the lesson and share their answer.

Alexander was our time keeper and I think only one person took all their time and went over.

Thank you to Jerrie Lou, Bonnie, Doug F., Doug L,, Don, Myrna, Pastor Bob, Eldon, Beverly, and anyone else who took a question.

Church time was started with Praise Time with Karen and Bonnie.

Thank you, Karen and Bonnie, for the wonderful music at our church.
Sharing some money for offering time
Thank you for your beautiful music, Rena. Draw Me Close.
Our Pastor sharing the story of him pulling off the dead petunias on their plant. The plant started to not have new flowers and finally he realized he was not only pulling off the old dead flowers, but the new just starting out flowers, too.
Pastor Bob and Myrna's flowers that have stayed so pretty for a long time now. Looking fresh as can be here.
Praying together. This is such a special time during communion. Our hearts combine
and we are strengthened by the love for others and their prayers for us.
The communion table ready for the service.

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