Monday, February 1, 2016

Our Sabbath by the pond at OCC ~ January 30th 2016

We started off with a really wonderful Sabbath School.
Rina had her first turn as superintendent and really had a nice program including several ladies.

Ruby was the first participant.
She was Ruth.
Faniry was the next woman to share.
She was Dinah.
Beverly was next.
She was the Widow of Zarephath.
Loretta told the story of Hagar.
Sasara share about Eunice.
Liza was the next Bible character.
She told us about The Women Taken In Adultery.
Rina was the narrator.
It was a good reminder for us all to think about women (or men, too) who are single and how we can be there for them.
Thank you, Rina. I wish every month had 5 Sabbaths.

The upstairs study class had Dave L. as the facilitator today.

He leads a good discussion.
This weeks lesson was on... The Controversy.
There was a lesson study group downstairs, too.
Come and join in on this time of sharing.

The Kid's Corner was a busy place today, too.

Nancy telling the Bible story.
Brothers ready to make the craft.
Learning a new song while Nancy plays guitar.
It takes a moment to get settled in for the story.
Friends at Sabbath School.
She sure likes the brightly-coloured Little Friend paper.
Heidi explains how to make a bright and pretty fish.
Praise Time in the sanctuary and Children's Story time. 

We have been praying for this young man named Timothy and his family.
Now we heard and saw that Timothy and his wife had their baby girl and are very happy.
Timothy before his cancer treatment - he liked to climb mountains. Let's keep on praying for Timothy and his recovery.

Wide Wide as the Ocean  ~ the Children's Song today.
His guitar playing is just so simply beautiful.
Her singing is amazingly beautiful. Brother and sister make a wonderful team.
Click on the FB link to hear the brother/sister team sing and play this beautiful hymn.
KC & Willy singing "No one ever cared for me like Jesus" — video by Dad Moises

Dad Moises had a short talk before his children had the special music.
Storyteller of the day ~ Jerrie Lou with such lovely old quilts.
The children enjoyed covering themselves with the colourful quilts during the story.

We were so happy to have a second special music. Oliver sang for us and we sure do enjoy his singing. "Standing on the Promises" has a great message and Oliver delivered it big time.

The sermon was shared with us by Carlos. It was a powerful testimony of something that had just happened in his life and that of his family. Personal testimonies are so very uplifting as Jesus shines through the story. Thank you for sharing with us, Carlos.

Everyone wants to hold little Noah...Mr. L has him now but not for long... this is the grandson to Carlos.
How great it is to have young people in our church.
We have been praying that our little church is FILLED with kids.
It was so wonderful so see so many little faces this Sabbath!
With BMID shutting off our water this day we enjoyed the blue porta-potty brought in for our use.
Doug was kind enough to heat it with a small heater. Thank you to all who made these provisions.

We are so thankful that Canada has allowed you and your family to stay together and keep on living in this country. Thank you for sharing today with us!


  1. Good capture and coverage of a great Sabbath Service. The whole day was a blessing.

    1. Thanks. It is good to know people do look at the blog and feel part of our little church.

    2. I always look forward to viewing the blog and getting a re-run of the pleasures of Sabbath. Thanks Glenda et al
