Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sabbath School and Church for April 28th, 2012

It was so good to be back in our home church this Sabbath.
Eldon B. was back from Sudan, too, so a lot of people welcomed him home also.

For Sabbath School the program involved several people - it was titled, "Tools of Involvement".

Walter W. did his part really well
Rich and Tom help each other out. One was the hammer and one was the plane.
Sylvia had the paintbrush part
The ruler part by Bonnie
The saw cuts the jagged edges and makes things better
Pastor Bob always cheerful and always willing to do his part
We are thankful to have Eldon back safely. He told his story about coming back from Sudan last week.
All the tools we need to make something right

In our church worship this week we had our special Communion service.
Children's Story with Dino - all about goats
Special music by Dawna, Brooklyn and Lora
Our musicians for church this week. They add so much to the specialness of worship.
Don Q. leading song service
Scripture reading by Tom
Olga preparing the table
The grape juice to hand out
The bread... unleavened
Bible reading
The grape juice
Washing of feet in the service of humility
The bulletins look so nice with the new colour on them. We appreciate all of our bulletin secretaries as they put these programs together each week for us to enjoy and get information from. 
Sylvia holds one of the pretty bulletins from this Sabbath
A nice splash of colour on the welcome desk
What joy there is in serving others


  1. Wow, looks like a great Sabbath all around. I would have loved to hear that Sabbath School program. Looked so interesting and I bet there was a great message, too!

    1. thanks.
      it was a very nice Sabbath.
      wish you would be able to fix my problem with getting all the photos in the proper order.
      glad you are back home now.
