Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Franks Family Mission Trip

Julie Franks sent in some pictures and commentary of her family's mission trip they took to Jamaica in December.

Welcome sign when we got there
The compound where we stayed
Bonnie showing the kitchen stove
A writing on a house wall...
The roads... were a little crazy, but it was very pretty
The bus we drove in while we were there. We had a church member drive the bus for us.
We walked partway to the church/school because of this from Hurricane Sandy
The outside view of the church/school
The church/school inside before the project. It was fairly dusty so Linda is with a bucket keeping the dust down.
Sweeping up all the mess over and over again.
We sanded and sanded
And then we painted...
...and painted...
...and painted...
...and painted and did some tile
In the mornings we did VBS
Singing, crafts and skits
Finished product
Church Sabbath Day!
Us at the falls having fun :)

Thanks, Julie, for sharing these great pictures of your trip!


  1. Awesome pictures and story of your trip, Julie! It looks like it was a lot of fun (and some work, too :). My favourite picture is you helping the kids with the VBS craft!

  2. This is really cool. I loved to see these photos of you guys, you're pretty neat.

  3. What a wonderful experience you all had!! Thanks for letting us share in this way.

  4. Looks like you had a good experience in the land of my childhood!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Beverly
