Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kingdom Rock VBS at OCC - Day 2

Day 2 was more successful the our grand opening Day 1.
The children were so happy to be back and a few more came with them.

Loretta was able to be there and that was nice.
Melanie K. stepped in to help the Pastor with the opening and closing song time and was so appreciated.

Singing time
Group of boys helping with Spotlight on VBS. Thank you willing people.
Thank you, girls, for helping me for Spotlight for VBS.
We needed a praying photo and he was willing to help. Thank you.
Surprised... thanks for helping with the Spotlight on VBS.
For the Spotlight on VBS. Thank you, young men.
Stand strong for Jesus!!
Posing for a photo for Spotlight on VBS. Thank you.
The theme for the day was building up like Nehemiah did. Here are two good builders.
Building like Nehemiah built.
Another bunch helping with the Spotlight on VBS photos. Thank you too.
These two help for the Spotlight photos too. Thanks.
Jerrie Lou lends a hand
Building blocks for snack to go with the theme.
Feeding Loretta a bit of snack.
End of the morning hug
Pastor Tetz showing an experiment for the object lesson of the day.
Prayer time


  1. Lovely pictures. I remember all the VBS's from years ago. What fun.

  2. Great photos - capturing the action well - are you going to post the 'Spotlights' after all this??
    You did a great job Glenda!! Thank you.
