Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sabbath, November 29, 2014

It was a very chilly day outside, but inside our church it was full of warmth and worship.

Glenda had the adult Sabbath School because it was the fifth Sabbath and after a short song service with Don leading the singing and Bonnie playing the piano,  we had "We Have This Hope" for Opening Song and then prayer.

A short welcome story was followed by a Spotlight in Missions.

Then there was another story that was told in brief form but you can read the longer version here.

Thank God for the thorns?  Do they really make the bright, happy parts of our lives more precious?

Different people got up to share their cardboard Thankful signs and it was so interesting and wonderful to read what each one thought of during the week.

Thank you all for taking part in our Sabbath School program.

Someone was very creative and made their sign a meaningful triangle.  Thank you very much for your participation. 

This thank you is so great and the small print at the bottom is even better..." and my cool son", it says.  Wonder who added that on? 

It is difficult to only say one thing to be so thankful for.

I think we all agree with Julie!! Children are such a wonderful gift from God.  We are so thankful to have each child that comes to Orchard City SDA church. 

Her cup is full to over flowing with Thanksgiving!!

Edith made a very creative sign too that flipped over to reveal four different words telling of her thankfulness.  

I added mine too as so many people have shared comforting words and gestures in this past year since my very wonderful mum died.  I am not sure how I would manage  with out all of your kindness, care and prayers.  His comforting words are precious to me. 

So great to see all of these signs of Thanksgiving. 

God and Friends.... 
Yay!! We are so very happy to have these young people in a new class at Orchard City.  Thank you to the leader, Cherri.
It is so exciting to see church meeting the needs of our growing children. 

Their art work so nicely displayed. 
Linda told an excellent story to the children and gave them all a set of emotion cards to go with the story. 

Pastor Justis Saint Hillaire had our church service and it was excellent.  I saw Vicki writing careful notes so maybe  she will fill in this brief summary.

The Title was ~ Heart Transplant

Key Texts ~ Jeremiah 17:1

Broken Hearts  and Broken Relationship with God

Question ~ Have you ever had a broken heart experience?

Our hearts can mislead us.
Jeremiah 31:27-34

We need heart surgery ~ Jeremiah 24:7, Jeremiah 31:3 and 4, Isaiah 54:5

We are the Lamb's Bride
We are Christ's Bride

5  ~ I  Wills
1) I will make a new covenant
2) I will put my law in their hearts
3) I will be their God
4) I will forgive their sins
5) I will remember their sins no more

Every heart needs the loving arms of Jesus.

Pastor Saint Hillaire - thank you for coming to OCC. 

Planning... Thank you Ruby. 

Skating soon? Looks pretty nice. 

Those paper air planes are sure swift. 

The girls photo bomb the plane!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 15th, 2014 - Church by the Pond

Liza had such an interesting Sabbath School.
After she talked about Martin Luther - how just one man caused so much change - we sang a song written by him.
These ladies sang a very inspiring song for Sabbath School, and then three of them sang for church service.
Thank you so much for adding so much to our services!
It was a treat to hear them sing.
One of the cool new puppets for the new program Kid's Corner is going to have in the New Year.
It will be an Ocean's Theme. Go out and sit in on their program for a few minutes and see all the happy little faces.
During the church service, Walter told an interesting children story about a dog his family used to own.
Alexander had scripture reading.
Doug had a really interesting sermon about clay, vessels, and the Potter.
Doug demonstrating how some clay pots were rolled and then the clay wound around instead of being pinched together.
Ruby is holding up a couple of the bags Myrna sewed for a project. Ask her about them.
It was a very nice Sabbath School and church service at our Orchard City SDA church.
Outdoors, our little pond was almost all frozen over in a clear, smooth sheet.
The bushes provided some more beauty to the scene.

Come to visit on Garner Road any time you are in the Kelowna area.
We would love to have you at OCC.

November 1st 2014 at OCC

A wonderful Sabbath at Orchard City SDA Church.

Kid's Corner ~ in Autumn
Whooooo, Whooooo, whoooo, loves you? Jesus, He's the One.
Praise Ye The Lord!!
We all get to join in on the actions!
Singing together ~ leading us all in song.
We are so very happy to have some children in our church. We are glad for each and every one.
After church run.
We look forward to seeing the flowers that appear each week.
Thank you for making the church brighter.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

90th Birthday Celebration for Walter W.

Just want to say a great big thank you for all who came out to wish Walter a happy 90th.

There was much talking and laughter, smiles and good wishes in the home of Walter W. last Sabbath afternoon.

It was a very enjoyable time and so nice of you all to come and make his home full of happiness!

 Thanks for helping to put that smile on his face
So nice of Judy and Terry to drive out here for the weekend. It was very much appreciated.
Donna and Dwight chatting with Terry.
Thanks for coming over Gerry.
Friends Bonnie and Naomi shared smiles too.
Jeff and Julie
Beverly and Walter stop talking for me to take a quick picture...
Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimche - friends of Walter's for years.
So wonderful to have friends and family.