Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 15th, 2014 - Church by the Pond

Liza had such an interesting Sabbath School.
After she talked about Martin Luther - how just one man caused so much change - we sang a song written by him.
These ladies sang a very inspiring song for Sabbath School, and then three of them sang for church service.
Thank you so much for adding so much to our services!
It was a treat to hear them sing.
One of the cool new puppets for the new program Kid's Corner is going to have in the New Year.
It will be an Ocean's Theme. Go out and sit in on their program for a few minutes and see all the happy little faces.
During the church service, Walter told an interesting children story about a dog his family used to own.
Alexander had scripture reading.
Doug had a really interesting sermon about clay, vessels, and the Potter.
Doug demonstrating how some clay pots were rolled and then the clay wound around instead of being pinched together.
Ruby is holding up a couple of the bags Myrna sewed for a project. Ask her about them.
It was a very nice Sabbath School and church service at our Orchard City SDA church.
Outdoors, our little pond was almost all frozen over in a clear, smooth sheet.
The bushes provided some more beauty to the scene.

Come to visit on Garner Road any time you are in the Kelowna area.
We would love to have you at OCC.

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful Sabbath from Liza's program, Walter's story, Special music, Doug's really interesting "sermon" to talking to our individual church members and remembering what lovely people we have in this church family. A truly blessed day!
    Jerrie Lou
