Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sunny September Sabbath

I had some help with SS and it was great to have Vicki share a really nice Mission Story.

Then after many people shared what they were grateful for this past week, we listened to a reading of a Mother's Story and how it tells of the fact that we are building great cathedrals and no one sees or is often acknowledged, but God sees and He cares.

Lesson leading upstairs was by Alex.

Lesson for the week in review. 

Alex leading this lesson. 

Adding to the Praise  Time... thank you, Joel. 

Look how grown up she is now... helping lead the praise time. 

Keeping time with those little toes. 

So nice to have her up front and singing. 

Jumping    Children song was lively and fun. 

Mummy and daughter do the actions. 
Pastor Jim stepping in for Pastor Bob with the children's story.  He told an interesting one about ice skating. 

One small earnest listener.  

Part of the music for the special music... 

Pastor Bob in prayer before starting the sermon.
Wishing her well on her travels... 

Inviting us all down for lunch. 

Great looking salad. 

Juicy watermelon

Fruit medley... moon grapes... 

Finding his place at the table... I did not fall he said. 

Loretta brought these gorgeous flowers for the tables. 

So lovely for Loretta to share from her garden.  It sure made the place bright and beautiful.
Don't forget to come to the Family Fun Day


  1. What a nice gathering it seems for the day with gorgeous flowers and lovely children!
    Jerrie Lou

  2. Great capture of events once again Glenda - love your pictures of the 'rhythm keeping' little ones!!! They keep the rest of us more lively!! and thank you Loretta for the beautiful flowers.
