Saturday, February 12, 2022

Update and Review of Sabbath Feb 5th 2022

 A very special update from Danae... yesterday her mum left the hospital and went to a rehab facility. 

They are thanking everyone for all the prayer and thanking God for His healing. 

These  two photos show the dramatic different between January 29th and arriving at the USA hospital and then leaving the hospital on Feb 11th. 

Thank you for praying for this precious lady. 

And now for last Sabbath. 

Just across the road from OCC. 

Our greeter couple for the day, Tommy and Iris.   Lovely to see their smiles. 

Thank you for doing your part to make Sabbath welcoming. 

Lori with the SS lesson discussion. 

The Praise leaders. 

Dave, was the platform person of the day and introduced the speaker for the day. 

 Don S came to have the sermon and it was very good to hear. 

Doug shared the story about the northern fish - ooligan.   Bella Coola had plenty of ooligan fish. They can be used in many ways. 

Richard had the special music and played Amazing Grace for us to hear. 
Thank you for the music. 

The scripture and prayer were by Duane.  It was nice to have it read from the Children's Bible. 

Don Straub had the sermon titled "Bad Hair Day". 

A couple of beginning slides. 

Romans 8:28 was the sermon text. 
Don broke it down word by word or phrase. 

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

They said cheer up, it could get worse, so I cheered up and sure enough, it did get worse. 

2012 was not a great year.  A funeral, not good rates for fish, rear ended the boat and 4000.00 in damages.  But at the end of the year it was paid for. 

A baby beluga got caught in the nets and died which caused a lot of pain and tears for us. 

Smoke house burned down. 

It was a Bad Hair Day summer. 

How do you handle them?

My son said, well, nobody died in those problems. 

Romans 8:28. 

We... who is we?  the people who love God. John 14 and 1John 4:20

In the last two years and last two weeks hate has escalated in the world, in the church and in the family. 

Is God the kind of God who says if you don't love Me I will mess things up for you?

Know... it doesn't say think or hope. It says  Know.  We have to trust.  Knowing is a trusting. 

Is God trust worthy?

You need to get to really know Him to trust Him fully. 

All... all - ALL things.  Never say never don't say always. 

All can apply to God.  All things that are good and all things that are bad all work together.

Synergy is all individual parts come together to have greater effect. 

If you take each part of table salt it is not safe by itself but put together it is safe table salt. 

Good.... Good, what about the word good?

God sees the big picture. We need to practice looking at the big picture. We have to wait for the good. If it is not good then it is not the end, the good is still coming. 

Why?   Jesus got a lot of why questions. Luke 13:3 

They wanted to know why. Jesus did not go there. We don't go to the  why question. We don't need an answer. Luke 13:4. 

He is not causing these things. He doesn't single people out and give them bad. Would you be ready for death if the tower fell on you?

If you are right with God you are ready to die.  EGW

God can use a bad hair day to consider the future more seriously. 

Until the pain of not changing is great enough you won't change. 

People in America pray differently then other parts of the world.  The other pray Help me have strength to go through this. 

Like a good farm we need some fertilizer times to help us grow. 

Out response to bad hair days has to the potential to become opportunity to change the world around us. 

Crisis or opportunity... same word in Chinese. Make the choice. 

How questions program the brain to look for solutions. 

How can I have a better relationship?

Story was told about a man put in a prison camp and constantly asked How can we escape?

As people felt there was no way of escape he started to ask How can I escape?

He asked himself until he found a solution.  And he did escape. 

According to His purpose... It is not about making you happy or rich or healthy. 

Romans 8:29 

Change to be more like Jesus. That is a good way to approach it. Be like Jesus. 

He can use anything... ANYTHING to accomplish this. 

Not all are happily ever after stories. 

40 years later ... I am ready to share the story about my first wife dying in Africa. Now there is a book and interviews. 


God of the Mountain. 

Closing Song. 

Sermon is paraphrased from listening and keeping notes. 

1 comment:

  1. Great capture and paraphrase Glenda - thank you. And, I love that song by Lynda Randle!!! Such reassurance!!
