Monday, June 24, 2013

Prayers for Levi in KGH today ~ June 24, 2013

Today Levi was in KGH to have his swollen tonsils and adenoids removed.

We pray that he will recover well and feel great soon.

His mummy said that first thing he said after the surgery was, "Where's my popsicle?"

Hope Levi and his family will be able to be back at OCC soon.

A smile for mum before he leaves for his surgery (Photo by Melanie Kartik)
Still a smile on his face (Photo by Melanie Kartik)


  1. What a sweet smile, both times. I hope he does not get too uncomfortable!!

  2. I want Levi to know we missed him last Sabbath. Hope you get better soon. and come back. We love you.

  3. thanks Glenda! Levi feels VERY special to have such a big fuss made over him today! He is recovering well and, although his throat is very sore, is enjoying his fair share of popsicles, ice cream, and jello. see you all at church this Sabbath!

    1. did levi get to see that we are praying for him?
      thanks for keeping us updated.

  4. Glad all went well with Levi's surgery, and hoping he feels back to normal soon!
