Sunday, February 9, 2020

Fellowship Meal Sabbath

Tammy and Aase were singing and playing for the before Sabbath School Praise Time when we arrived at church.
It is so nice to hear music upon entering each Sabbath.
We appreciate the musicians. 

Thank you all, so much, this part of your ministry.

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Greeting people as they arrive is a wonderful ministry too and this day Doug F and Beverly were there to meet and greet.
So lovely to see big smiles.

Alex leads the lesson this weekend.
Alex illustrates as he talks. 
The early school children enjoying their class with their teacher. 

Pastor Josue leads an older grades class this Sabbath.  So nice to see this group meet together. 

And the younger children's class enjoys Sabbath School about animals in the woods.
So nice to see this group of 5.

Sabbath School is such a fun and different part of church.  It is so nice that more and more people are arriving early enough to enjoy this.

Praise Time between SS and Church is a good time to join in and sing hymns and choruses.

This Sabbath one of our dear members was gravely ill in the hospital.  Tammy asked us to join her in singing Arnie's favourite hymn - Sweet Hour of Prayer.  He was a man of prayer and prayed about everything.  

After the hymn we paused and had a short time of silent prayers for Arnie and his family gathered around him and then Tammy prayed for him.  

We enjoyed having Tammy share the Children's story too.  It was about someone getting help from an angel.

Telling the exciting part of the story. 

Some of the listeners. 

Doing her part collecting the Children's Offering. 
Offering Collection time. 

Sweet cousins. 
Todd shares a little bit about the song he will play for Special Music and thanks the church family for the kindnesses shown in their difficult times.  

Todd played "Friends" and on this new guitar with out frets it was a very interesting and lovely sound. Thank you, Todd.

Pastor Josue starting his sermon for the morning.  

He showed us pictures of long ago people and places at a General Conference Committee. 

And demonstrated how they posed for photos... :)
Doug L said his Grandmother collected this pretty tea cups and she got each kind she thought was pretty. They are pretty, aren't they. 

Liza made the heart and Doug printed out the Bible words for these center pieces. 

Thank you for the beautiful tables and arrangements, Doug and Liza.

1 comment:

  1. It was a most blessed Sabbath with our usual friends and visitors.
    Thank you!
    Jerrie Lou
