Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Front Porch Friends - 3

Alex and Gay by the bush person Gay created for people to see on their busy street. 
So cute with their masks made by Kandus. 

During this virus. 

Safety first!!

All the hearts around and about Gay's place. 

In the window as a way to say Thank you. 

Teddy Bears for the children to find on their walks and hearts as a thank you. 
Games on car window with the littles. 

Gay's heart rock tree. 

Gay at work - thank you for the work you do to keep others clean and neat. 

Gay started a unique ministry - making prayer blankets.  It is quite the wonderful way to share His love and some warmth with people who are not feeling so great. 

Worship time. 

Gardening time. 

The grandkids all masked and ready. 

Alex on his day off... his way to unwind. 

Grandpa fun times. 

Alex makes these carvings in his spare time.  
Gay's rocks... she finds heart rocks or flat rocks and paints them and sometimes shares them.  The big heart rock is from her dad to her, a very special rock. 

The mask stands alone!!!

Such great friends... trying to think of people who are alone during this time and having an outdoor visit or a walk in the park... Thanks for the friendship and care you give.


  1. Great 'happy' pictures of the tree and the g.children as well as the artistic couple. Love the rocks - have seen several when out walking my dogs.

    1. I love the rocks as well and did find some up where you said. These two enjoy many talents.
