It was a great evening that started out with a Silent Auction, Food Sale and Art Show in the school gym.
We were greeted with excited children announcing what would be happening once we arrived inside.
After giving our $5 donation in the foyer, we took a bulletin and found great seats.
I really appreciated how much I could see the involvement of students.
Seniors who will graduate this spring, singing and playing guitar and piano for the opening song.Playing with a cast on his arm.
Simon, a great MC for the evening. Talked enough but not too much. He took time to learn the names so.he could introduce it right.
This was a beautiful bird.
Then his spider.
He learned these as he entertained his baby brother.
This was a fun little trumpet piece about a Little Lamb.
She did terrific on the ribbons.
She did terrific on the ribbons.
4 young people singing a song with movements.
A family of singers.
Melanie is the leader and her team had placed markers under chairs to bring up to trade for school merch.
At break it was time to look over the Silent Auction items.
What a great array.
The artist was there...hoping to make a good amount for the school.
Donation from Wentworth. They also were there.
Art piece by student.
Lego masterpieces made by young students.
This young friend showed how to make orgami art on stage.
All finished.
Nice to see parents participant.
Grade 5 friends sang together.
Proud mum taping.
A singer... and a piano player.
We enjoyed hearing these two. Do you recognize one?
This one.
He played amazingly beautifully...a high level RCM piece.
Mum and daughter singing together.
Now it is time for big sister to show her skill on the silks.
Grama and grandson...a great duet.
He played guitar and she sang.
Nice decorations.
Announcements by Melanice and Simon and another teammate.
Grade 12 students ended the evening with singing and playing Goodness of God.
Two cheerful hard workers at the food and drinks table.
Such an interesting and lovely evening.
If you want to go for ice cream in the newly acquired school bus sign up and donate.
Sounds like fun.
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