Sunday, February 5, 2012

Note from Ken T.

It has been an interesting week. Went to a birthday party and also a classical guitar concert. The main guitarists, Winy Kellnerwas trained in Europe and for the last two numbers he was accompanied by another guitarist, David Mazqueda. They were amazing, completely synchronized so that there timing was flawless- they are considered the two best in Mexico. Such a contrast from the local fellow who I have seen a couple of times, sitting on the ground leaning against a chain linked fence. His hat and clothes are very tattered and he appears to not have a tooth in his mouth and he hasn't shaved in ages, but he strums his heart out on his out of tune, beat up guitar which is barely held together with tattered masking tape and which resonates about as well as a Kleenex box. But there he sits with a grin on his face, enjoying himself as if he were playing his harp in heaven. And he doesn't have a cup or his hat expecting donations. For all I know, this is the only earthly possession he has.
We are off to a baptism at the campmeeting grounds and expect members from many churches in the area to be there. Have a great Sabbath!
I bought 4.5 pounds today and froze them. Nothing like just-picked sweet strawberries!


  1. You are really blessed Ken, with wonderful guitar music and another sort wonderful guitar music with your local person (his guitar is amazing!) and then all those lovely strawberries!

  2. I second what Jerrie Lou said: you are so blessed with such amazing music to listen to. Glad you're doing well down in Mexico and thank you for your updates!

  3. It is so wonderful to get your updates and photos.
    I sure do miss you at OCC though.
    Write again soon.
