Monday, December 15, 2014

Donation for Derek

Today I saw a post on FB that I really was interested in.
Remember Derek, the 8-year-old boy we pray for often at church?
He is just able to start eating again after two weeks, and is in isolation. What is there to do for a boy who has to stay in one room in the hospital, especially now just before Christmas?

Derek's uncle is giving us all an opportunity to help with a special gift for Derek while he waits for his GVHD problems to subside. Go to Derek's GiveForward page if you are interested in helping with this special gift for him.

If you read the page, it is all explained very well, and the site is very easy and safe to use.
Happy giving.


  1. So cool that they're doing this for him!

    1. Did you see how happy he looked when he opened the gift?
      So nice, eh.
      Now just wish his dads car that was stolen from the hospital parking lot will be returned.
