Saturday, May 25, 2024

Another Sabbath Day May 18th 2024

 Lori led the lesson study this morning.

A visiting couple was sitting near the front was Keith and Peggy Corbett. 

Keith and Peggy along with their children used to attend OCC several years ago.

So nice to have them here.

Denise and Christine and Liza were our Praise Time leaders and Vicki played piano and Aase the organ.  

Joel and Todd also played with the group.

Children's story by Doug is always interesting and different.

This big big church has very interesting columns on it and on those interesting carvings... corn in particular. 

He just happened to wear his Italy jacket as he told a story from their trip to Italy. 

Peter and his accompanist, David played for special music and we sure do enjoy it. 

Lori introduced the speaker for the service and it was Keith Corbett. Nice to see Keith and Peggy in our church once again as they used to be regular members until they moved away. 

Keith was happy to see Denise there as he said they have her CDs at home they enjoy listening too. 

Keith used this Bible verse in his sermon. 

 It is so nice to see the speaker for the sermon use their Bible. 

God is so good to each and every person. 
He does not do up a contractor a recipe for eternal life. 

He wants the disciples to understand by telling them a story. 
The Kingdom of Heaven is like this... God rules His kingdom like this...

He needs to find people willing to work for him for the day so he goes to the market and invites workers to work for Him for a silver coin for the whole day.
They happily agree. 
Around 9 a.m. He sees He needs more workers so hires more for a silver coin. 
At noon and at 3 p.m. He does the same... hires workers for a silver coin. 
Once more He hires workers at 5 p.m for the silver coin. 
He pays all the workers what has been agreed on but now the first workers don't think it as fair as they did at first. 
Are you angry with me because I am kind and generous? 
God is gracious to every one. 

Adam and Ever were afraid and were hiding ... from God. 
He knew where they were. 
God was still their Friend. 
He still loves them. 
The goodness of God is there right with them.

The goodness of God still loved Cain.  It is there for all of us. 

Abraham was there trying to obey God when he heard God say, "Put down the knife!"
It will be My Son they sacrifice for you. 

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego... God was right with them in the fire. 

When the goodness of God meets His children anything can happen. 
The lady accused of adulatory ... He was right there and found no fault in her and told her to go home and be a good person. 

Paul a professional murderer met the goodness of God on the way to Damascus. He saw God's love.

He takes care of us.  Doesn't matter who we are or where we are. 

Right next to God is the safest place to be.
The goodness of God is meant to bring us to repentance. 
He is our Saviour. 
The best thing to happen to any of us. 

He is Good. 
19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

We don't want to be God but we so much want to be like God. 
He is so good to us. 

Thank you for being at OCC and for sharing these words with us. 

(not full sermon but a little recap in my words) 

Later in the afternoon there was a memorial at Winfield church. 
Our Pastor quietly helped clean up as the family and friends were visiting. 

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