Thursday, May 30, 2024

Bible Marking Evening

Bible Marking class was very interesting and exciting.
This set was given to each one of us to use for this experience. 
It comes with a set of Bible Study guides and a set of stickers to use for the treasure hunt through our 
Bibles in the coming weeks. 

Pastor Molina used a knife for a good example.  He asked if we only have one knife in our kitchens to use. 
Truth is we have many knives to each serve a certain purpose.  A knife that slices tomatoes best and one that cuts bread better then the tomato knife.  
Likewise it is beneficial to have more then one Bible to use.  A personal Bible for our own use and learning. 
A Bible to mark for giving studies also perhaps. 

His Bible has added pages so it is not the one he carries everywhere. 

The kind of Bible to use is personal but also interesting to note that some are worded more closely to the old scrolls. 
Some Bibles have margins to write in and some have large print or red letter edition for the words Jesus spoke. 
Take time to find the Bible that works well for you. 

This Message Bible is easy to read and serves a good purpose but might not be the one chosen to use for Bible Marking and Bible Studies. 

Pens for marking are plentiful but here are a few ideas to try. 
They need to be light enough for reading through and coloured differently for different studies. 

 This old colourful, fun pencil box was a child s school box but serves this mother well now too. 

 Journals also are very interesting and unique to each person. 
This is very old styled paper in a leather binding. 

Regular pencil crayons work well for very lightly colouring a text. 

Lori shared very interesting and tasty cookies which some took home for later.  
I wonder who can tell what all was in these.  Pumpkin seeds for one. 

We were enjoying it so much we went a little over the time period but you should join us next Wednesday.

When we went to the parking lot at the end of the meeting this beautiful scene was seen. 

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