Friday, June 7, 2024

Sabbath April 27th 2024

 OCC at church on Sabbath. 

Helpful people are sure appreciated... 

A great Praise Team this morning. 

It is so nice to have different groups up front leading out. 
So thankful for willing leaders and the faithfulness of those that take their turn whenever needed. 

Elder of the week is Dave and Joel is waiting his turn to play in the band again. 

Announcing the sprouting class ...

Dave reading a part from the lovely devotional ... Jesus Calling. 

A smiling happy bunch. 

Perry playing along with the Praise Team

Flowers in memory of Don Quiring... he loved this little church so much and he loved the people and God.

Leah shares a story for the children.  She always has very interesting ones to tell. 

She loves her mum. 

Joel smiles and does his part so willingly and well. 

Perry and Doyle have Special Music. 
So nice to have them and hear their music. 

Dave L has the scripture reading. 

Work is going to be done here.... some new fix up paving. 
Thanks, Arnie, for getting this to happen. 

 A little rain is good for this time of year. 

Jody is the Prayer Group leader and put out this box for your prayer requests. 
Please add as you want too have the group pray for your request. 

Shirley's ever looking  to do little things to make our church more attractive and to bring our minds to God's Goodness. 

And more helpful, kind people... bringing the flowers to the car and in general saying kind words and inviting people ... all kinds of ways to share God's love. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and news from our church.
