Saturday, June 8, 2024

Thursday Evening Bible Marking Group

Last week those who came to the Bible Marking group wanted to have more come this next week.

It was great that last week there were 6 and this week there were 12.

We hope next week it doubles again. 

And the group is here for this evening.  Such a nice time together.  We missed you though.  Come next Wed at 7 p.m.  Bring your Bible.  

So nice to have Mum and Daughter working together. 

Each one has their own Bible and a box of  stickers and lessons. 
A holder for all your marking pens... maybe collected over time. 

Everyone was involved and trying to keep up with their own stickers and Bibles.  

It is a shared space.  

Nice to have a little time to chat after the meeting. 

Our very own blue heron... 

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