Friday, June 7, 2024

Sabbath May 25th 2024

   A bright and happy Sabbath morning to you all. 


 The new quarterlies arrived. 

Pick one up before this quart ends. 

The Pastor doing double duty today... like many have before and will again... Thanks for leading the lesson discussion. 

It is nice when everyone is quiet to listen and watch the short Mission Spotlight that plays right after the Sabbath School lesson. 

They are very interesting and helpful to know where the SS mission offering is going for.  Please remember to give your offering each Sabbath as well as a special offering on 13th Sabbath as that is the one that goes to help these special projects. 

It is so great to see Bibles coming to church. 
So many kinds and wordings. 
Think about coming to the Bible Marking class on Wednesday evening. 

The Praise Group this Sabbath. 
Nice addition to have Bob R back again. 
Always nice to have Todd and Denise and Joel.

Joel loves to praise the Lord. 

Platform person of the day... Tammy. 
Giving announcements. 

The team today.  Started with The Old Rugged Cross. 

Children's Song Denise and Joel were ready for and brought interesting instruments for the children to play along with. 

Olga telling the children's story. 
She always has interesting things to tell. 

He is easy to listen too and it is great that he comes to add more music to our church. 

This couple is such an addition to our church. 
They help out so often up front, or at the sound booth or as a deacon. 
Sure want to say a big thank you to all the wonderful servants of the Lord. 

Pastor Josue starting into his talk for the morning. 

He shared this booth with us... Abiding in Jesus.  You might want to read it. 

Part of his opening story. 

 Thank you Pastor for your enthusiasm.

Closing the service with a song. 

Thank you team. 

Peony Season 

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