Friday, June 7, 2024

Sprouting Class / April 28th

From Joy Ministries 

Presenting:  Sprouting Class 

Led by Bonnie and Doug Franks. 

Bonnie has such great ideas and loves to share her cooking and meal preparation ideas. 

After Bonnie started the presentation, Doug took it further along. 

They shared what types of foods can be sprouted and why it is so nutritionally good for our bodies. 

Doug had mung beans there and it was good to see what actually is needed to do to start sprouts. 

Always good to see Pastor Molina and Tammy and Beverly at groups like this. 

Alfalfa seeds going to sprout. 
These are sure going to be tasty. 

Listening to the comments being made.  Listening is a big part of a good leader too. 

Can you name these sprouts?

Fit for a king...

The tops of the jars are very important to grow these correctly. 

I think this was a jar of sunflower seeds sprouting. 

They sure made a good team. 
Hope they do another class again. 

Then came the eating of the meal Bonnie and friends prepared. 
It was a feast. 
Each item was made with sprouts.


Quite the free meal. 
Thank you very much Liza and Bonnie and everyone else who helped out and made food. 

Doug showing how to wrap up so as to keep them moist and dark. 

Different lids used for different seeds. 

They are HUNGRY!!!!


Question time... 

Then it was time for the draw. 

Lori had all of our names in the dish and picked one winner of a lovely basil plant!!!

And the WINNER is!!!!!

It is Jody!!!

Lori does so many things for our church that we might not always see. 
She does so well with draws and gifts like this. 
Thank you, Lori and JOY Ministries. 

Jody seems very happy with her new lovely plant!!!

A very big thank you to Bonnie and Doug and all who helped put on this very good class. 

Oh, we all got to take home a jar ready to begin sprouting. 

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