Friday, January 18, 2013

Sabbath - January 12th, 2013

The children were happily making these very cute little camels when I came downstairs.
I had to quickly go back upstairs to get my camera so you all could see what they were enjoying.
Thank you, Naomi for working so wonderfully with the children at Orchard City SDA church.

Naomi and others help the younger ones make their camels

In the sanctuary Keith and Heidi led the praise time with songs from camp days at Mivoden.
We all enjoyed it.
Keith and Heidi led us in Praise Time
Camp songs are fun to sing
Even the Pastor and his wife can do the "Let Us Come Together, Praise the Name of Jesus" actions
Joy is like a fountain!!
Love Like an Ocean
We all enjoy the children's song
Levi knows the actions, too

Soon after the Praise Time was story time.
Mrs. Tetz puts so much into her stories. This time she got Alexander to help her with a few science experiments.
The crumpled up paper in the bottom of the cup did not get wet when pushed into the bowl of water
One piece of paper, cut right, can go around a person
Mryna telling the Children's Story
Will books be supported by that little piece of paper?
If it is the right shape it certainly will!
What made the balloon fill with air?
David read us the words he made to this tune he played
His harmonica sounded sweet.
Thank you for sharing, Dave.
The Pastor did share his message with us and then our Sabbath morning ended with warm handshakes and hugs.


  1. Cute camels, fun song time, wonderfully captured science-experiment story, and an interesting special music! Looks like a great Sabbath. Can't wait to see the pictures and commentary from today!

  2. Nice Sabbath day . So much activity. It is good to see it all again.

  3. Really love to see the increase of children to our church! There is hope for the future health of our church now. Wonderful how having song time and story time includes the children, and has seemed to attract families to worship. So happy!

  4. My favorite pictures are the close-ups of the childrens faces intently working on their camels!!
    Great capture of service pictures Glenda - thanks for being so thorough with doing that.

  5. "Church as it was meant to be --- family enjoying each other and making the heart of the Father glad!"
