Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sabbath, September 21st 2013

Sabbath School was lead by Glenda Q. and Don told a story from a new book.
We enjoyed a Mission Spotlight video telling us about each of the three mission projects for this 13th Sabbath offering.

Alex taught the upstairs class and Gay helped him write on the white board to illustrate the lesson.

Dave B. singing special music
He is following Jesus...
Sermon by Pastor Bob. He reads us part of a letter from a man in prison. Let's remember this man in our prayers.
Singing "He's Able"
Enjoying the story
It is nice to have Grama telling the story.
Telling about lighting the lamps in the lighthouse. Good story!
Listening little one.


  1. I really enjoy the children photos - you capture them so nicely

  2. Fun to see all these! I liked watching the special music video and I especially love the very sweet last picture! :)

  3. love seeing the pics and reading your post................

  4. Great capture of events Glenda - love the prayerful little one!!
