Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Video Wednesday: A True Picture of Love

I was reading an acquaintance's blog last week. She was writing that she and her husband have recently started a new habit in their home: getting up early in the morning, before the baby wakes up, to have morning devotions together. She mentioned what a blessing it's been for them, and how those little devotionals they've been reading have turned out to be just the thing that someone they meet throughout the day needs to hear. At the end of her post she shared the video below, and said that after she and her husband watched it together, her husband said, "What a wonderful analogy of how Christ carries us."

My acquaintance wrote a beautiful response to the video. I am going to add it below because I think it's perfect and I love what she wrote.
This woman carried her husband, who probably weighs more than she does, even without legs. He is “imperfect,” “damaged goods,” “not whole.” But he is hers. She loves him in spite of what he doesn’t have. And she carried him. It probably wasn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last time. 
We are imperfect, damaged, and by no means whole. And we have no hope of being perfect. But in God’s eyes, we are worth it. We are His. He loves us unconditionally, and He will carry us through life until that Wonderful Day when we can finally stand and walk with our own two perfect feet.   ~ This New House blog
What else is there to say? Just beautiful!

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