Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sabbath, September 28th, 2013

Sabbath School at OCC featured Bible verses about Hospitality - Lori S was the superintendent this week. People shared short stories of times they were impressed with kind hospitality.

I think Lori made the bookmarks with the Bible verses on them for us to read out loud.
The little ones were to have a surprise visit from this birthday gift kitty
(I was told it was Keith's birthday gift), but some of us got a little peek first. Isn't this a pretty kitty?
Alexander got to hold the kitty.
Children's time up front.
Communion Sabbath.
The Pastor had a short talk titled, "Till He Come." There were three questions in it. The Bible text was 2 Peter 3:9-13.
1) How will He come?
2) When will He come?
3) Why will He come?
Ask the Pastor for further explanation if you were not there to hear about these three questions.

Jesus loves you!

The Pastor joins B watching the animal pictures on Carol's computer for children's story.
They all really enjoyed it. Thanks, Carol.
Collecting the special offering.
We all enjoy watching the little ones do their part in the service.
Roses from Carol.
Such a beautiful arrangement for all of us to enjoy.
Shannon plays this flute beautifully too. It sounded lower then her regular flute.
Foot washing table arranged by the deacons for the men to participate.
The ladies area is ready too.
Next week is the start of the new quarter...so remember to pick up a new lesson study guide.
Join us for Sabbath School Bible study time at 9:30 a.m.
Lunch looks inviting.
Lunch looks tasty.
Almost tall enough.
It is calm and serene by the pond.


  1. It was a beautiful service and a beautiful day. Thank you for catching the memories for us!
    Jerrie Lou

  2. Love the little ones clustered around Carol's computer!!
